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**updated Jan. 2024**

Well, a bit more than "seagulls".... part 2 of order Charadriiformes, including:

auks (puffins!), skuas, gulls, and terns;

plus the sole taxa in order Phaethontiformes: tropicbirds.

Click links above to skip to a specific gallery, or scroll down to enjoy them all.

Click any image to enlarge.

auks (family Alcidae)

skuas & jaegers (family Stercorariidae)

small gulls (family Laridae, various genera)

terns (family Laridae, various genera)

tropicbirds (order Phaethontiformes, family Phaethontidae, genus Phaethon)

big gulls (family Laridae, genus Larus)

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